A REST API for multi-year financial analysis
created by NIST
E3 utilizes precise optimization techniques to deliver answers as fast as possible, even at scale.
Presents future dollar values in their present value for easily understandable results.
Alter individual inputs by percentage or gross amounts to find which variables effect your cash flows the most.
Run thousands of simulations with multiple, randomly distributed inputs to model uncertainty in your monetary calculations.
Group arbitrary cash flows together to better understand your specific expenses.
[PV]2 is a web application that allows homeowners to determine a complete cost of ownership for residential rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems including purchase and operation through the system’s service life.
SITExpress is a simplified online version of NIST's Smart Investment Tool that calculates metrics for investment analysis documented in NIST Advanced manufacturing Series 200-5. It calculates net present value, internal rate of return, and payback period. The tool helps to identify the most economical projects/investments. For instance, it could be used to identify the most economical heating and cooling system or it might be used to rank a set of potential investments.
Building Life Cycle Cost (BLCC) conducts economic analyses by evaluating the relative cost-effectiveness of alternative buildings and building-related systems or components. Typically, BLCC is used to evaluate alternative designs that have higher initial costs but lower operating costs over the project life than the lowest-initial-cost design. It is especially useful for evaluating the costs and benefits of energy and water conservation and renewable energy projects.
The life cycle cost (LCC) of two or more alternative designs are computed and compared to determine which has the lowest LCC and is therefore more economical in the long run. BLCC also calculates comparative economic measures for alternative designs, including net savings, savings-to-investment ratio, adjusted internal rate of return, and years to payback.